jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Corpse Party: Videogame VS Anime

OK, this time, I'll take the opportunity to talk a bit about something that surprised me in a good way at first, confused me afterwards, but kind of disturbed me as well...all at the same time...yeah, those kind of contrasts do exist.

I had the chance of watching some game commentary regarding the PSP game CORPSE PARTY. And I was really intrigued by the whole concept; I've been a fan of horror games for a while now, and I've been looking for new/old games to try out. And this one seemed kind of cute...yeah, cute...I was misled by cuteness... but oh, well...

The game tells the story about a group of children and their teacher which, after reciting a spell to remain as friends forever, fall into another dimension/space/time, where there was an elementary school right where their high school is built. In there, a long time ago, a series of kidnapping and murders occured, and now this space is haunted with vengeful ghosts who want to kill everybody.

The game itself, gameplay-wise, is not really dynamic; it has lots of dialogues, and not much running around fighting stuff. But that's the whole point; it's more of a visual novel, which is rigged by the story itself.
It looks like an 8-bit game, where you can interact with stuff, avoid ghosts and look for objects to progress. The game has great japanese-style anime/manga art, and that's what caught my attention.
The interesting thing, as I said before, is the story.

As the game progresses, gruesome deaths begin to occur; and the weight of the story starts to hit you...it's really heavy and, without the anime-style art, it wouldn't have the same impact. But still, it's a pretty disturbing game, and I don't want to spoil anything else.

Which leads me to the anime...

To sum it up, the OVA follows the stories of the group, but giving it continuity, and yeah...the gore is pretty evident in it. If you can't stand too much blood and violence, guts flying around, and just plain murdering madness, I suggest discression while watching it. I had a hard time in some particular moments of the 2-hours OVA, divided in 4 episodes. You can look it up as CORPSE PARTY: TORTURED SOULS.

But the general horror concept is great. If you are a fan of this genre, go check it out.

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