jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Drawing with Light | The tricks and tips to make this effect.

Last semester, I had a photography class, where they taught us the basics of controlling a reflex camera, and some nifty tips of how you can use it to make cool pictures.

My favorite one was the class when we were making drawings with light in the dark.

The camera needs to be in its manual position, on the BULB setting, which allows a slower capture, as long as the button remains pressed. 

The trick itself is pretty simple to do...with the what your camera does is open its diaphragm for a longer exposure time, allowing more light to come through the lens. The camera keeps capturing the flow of light until the shutter is released.

So, what you need to do this is a dark room, or being outside at night. The darker, the better. Also, be sure you have space to move, because sometimes you bump into things, or you get out of frame.

A tripod, if possible. To allow the camera to remain still and get a nice shot. 

Also, if you can do it with someone else, its better; he or she can press the button while you draw, or viceversa. Another option, if you are by yourself, is giving a predetermined time lapse, like 20s or so, instead of the BULB option. That way, you don't need to be pushing the button all the time.

Any device that emits light is good for this experiment. It can be of many colors, a strobelight, fireworks...even your cellphone screen.

Now, stand in place...and draw anything you like!

If you wish to write something, take into consideration that it will be backwards. Mirror it and practice how will you trace the word backwards. You can cover the light source, in case you want to separate your letters or something like that.

You can have a separate light source to illuminate the person drawing, to give it a different touch. Because, without this extra light, this person may look like a ghost.

This will give awesome results...beautiful drawings floating effortless in front of you.

You can try it out!



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